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3 simple habits to survive these HOT days

This summer the weather is warmer than we could ever imagine, but still everyone has to keep working, travelling and spending some nice moments with friends or family.


It might seem impossible living through these warm weeks of July, and surely every day that keeps you away from your departure must seem neverending. So here they are 3 smart habits you can take up to enjoy a little more your summer time.

1. Drink lots of water

It is generally known that water is good for your body. It is essential in hot days like these, since it’s super important to keep a high and constant level of fluids in your body, so the more you sweat the more you need to drink. Actually, water should be drunk even when you are not thirsty.

If you have a lack of vitamins/electrolytes it’s fine also to drink sport drinks or commercial water.

2. Carb-less food at lunch

Heat makes you feel as if you need to sleep every hour? It’s okay. Hot days can put you off, however, in order to be productive even in the afternoon you have to find a solution to your strong necessity of sleeping; an idea could be go carb-less at lunch. It means to remove the non-vegetable-containing carbohydrates from your lunch (meals composed of veggies, protein, and healthy fats only).

3. Stoves off

When the weather is particularly warm, you feel embraced by the heat as it was a bubble, therefore you must not provide other heat to both the environment and your body. It’s convenient to cook cold food such as cold pasta, salads or rice which doesn’t require the stoves on for too much time and does not make you feel hot while you are eating it.

Remember: it’s unhealthy living with the fan or the air condition on, in fact they increase the percentage of getting sick when you come in touch with the hot weather outside the house. Try to keep the air fresh, but balanced.

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