As a hard-working and ambitious student I understand the importance of permanent concentration. Actually being concentrated on your goals of the day is the key to success and a useful mental organization, but surrounding yourself with a focused environment is quite hard, since we get distrusted by something every minute.
Distractions are everywhere, they can be people chatting and wandering, phone messages and social media notifies, loud music at the radio station and even the temptations to taste every food, if you are studying in a café. A solution could be working at home, but even your bedrooms are not a safe place. Therefore the only way to reach concentration is to add to your routine these 6 habits.
1. Eat
Eating is an underrated action, actually, it is fundamental to have enough energy to do everything that is on your list. Some people find useful eating while working, but if you are not one of them, it is advisable to eat before starting the activity and then have a snack in your break.
2. Take a break
I know, wasting time in breaks can be frustrating and useless, actually it is not! Your brain needs some rest to digest what you have just learnt and recharge. Moreover, in order to make the hours of work pay off, it is better to split them up and have some breaks, instead of studying everything in a row. Also, the concentration tends to wear off after working long hours without resting and you might find yourself stuck at the same point without understanding anything you are studying.
3. Make a list
Just in case your mind is full of thoughts and you forget your goals of the day, jot down all of them and then rank them from most important to less important, in this way you will do exactly what is written on your list without thinking too much and losing time.
4. Don't be scared of failing
Sometimes we all find it hard to concentrate because we are already thinking about failing and not achieving every goal we proposed ourselves to reach. What if I don't finish this exercise? What if I don't study as much as I should do? What if I cannot send this work in time? What if...?
There is no time to muse, just do your best and accept the fact that your brain and your body may not deal with all those things. Just stop and then start again.
5. Listen to music
Music CAN be a distraction, but some studies confirm the fact that it can be even a good partner on work. The type of music to put on depends on you taste and your level of concentration. Some people appreciate classic music, whilst others even like rap songs.
6. Relax
Once you are done with all the work, take a shower to refresh yourself, have a nice dinner, watch Netflix or read a book and then fall asleep peacefully.